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Advent Day 18: Overcome Your Fears


Giants come in all shapes and sizes. A task at work. A financial burden. Maybe a health problem, or a wandering loved one. Learn how to face your fear.

David. A shepherd boy. A seemingly unexpected candidate. However, the Israelite war was taking it’s a toll, as no one was willing to face the giant. Fear was prevalent. The enemy army of the Philistines taunted day in and out, thinking they had the battle won. With a giant named Goliath on their side, they thought they were unconquerable. Read 1 Samuel 17.

David, the Unlikely Hero

David shows up on the scene to bring food to his older brothers. Shocked to discover their fear and dread. The giant in their life was all they could see. Like us, they looked at the tangible. 

God uses giants to refocus our eyesight. To cause us to reorient our position. Today, I ask you…is God enough for your current dilemma? Or is the giant in your life seen indestructible?

Giants come in all shapes and sizes. A task at work. A financial burden. Maybe for you, it is a health problem or wandering loved one. A feeling of not measuring up…or being good enough. Oh, the giants we face… every one of us. Read Ephesians 6:10-16.

True Courage Comes From Faith

The strength that David found was not from himself…it was a courage that was planted by God. He picked up some stones from the riverbed and gave one a mighty whirl. It landed smack dab on Goliath’s forehead, killing him immediately upon impact. David claimed the victory that day, but don’t lose sight of the hero of the story. It was God Himself who empowered David.

Notice, David wasn’t confident in himself. Instead, he expressed his confidence in someone greater. He read the Word of God. Stood firm on its promises. And put his faith into action. 

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

Romans 10:17

We build our faith by spending time in the Word of God and allowing our souls to be saturated. Remember, be strong in the Lord and the strength of His might. Let Him walk before you. Do not fear.

What current obstacle are you facing? Are you trying to battle it on your own, or will you face your giant armed with God’s armor? What does that look like?

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