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Did We Forget the Reason for the Season?

Did We Forget The Reason for the Season?

Did we forget what Christmas is all about? That the true reason for the season is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ?

Did we forget what Christmas is all about? That the true reason for the season is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ? Yesterday, the news hit the waves of my radio station stating that a school teacher was required to take down her Charlie Brown Christmas poster.

Charlie Brown?

What’s the problem with Charlie Brown?

There must be more.

One of my favorite childhood memories is huddling around t.v. alongside my brothers, cramped on the couch, chomping on popcorn and drinking hot cocoa while being glued to the Christmas edition of Charlie Brown. Then, the iconic scene unfolds as Linus stands on the stage of their Christmas program reciting,

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior which is Christ the Lord. That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown,”

Unfortunately, a teacher with this great reminder was required to take it down. We have forgotten that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. Over time, we’ve seen Santa and snowmen and reindeer settle in, all nestled up to the fire. Meanwhile, Christmas presents piling up beneath the tree. And dazzling light shows all aglow.

Is Jesus the Talk of the Town?

But Jesus has dwindled in our classrooms and gatherings. He no longer is the talk of the town. It makes me sad that we might be guilty, like the innkeeper, saying “There is no room in our inn.” In other words, did we forget the reason for the season?

If we take Jesus out of Christmas, what are we left with?

Wrapping paper to be tossed in our trash piles. And toys that will be broken within a few months. Also, extra pounds to work off in the New Year due to our exorbitant intake of chocolate fudge. As well as, another memory to reminiscence about how our family members drove us all nuts.

Let’s be real honest…we need Jesus in our Christmas.

Above all, Jesus is the only thing with everlasting value. In other words, He is the only true Hope of our tomorrow!

What holiday traditions do you have? Likewise, how do you keep Jesus as the reason for the season? 

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