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Too Much Family over the Holidays?

Savor it. Life is short.
Savor it. Life is short.

Is your family draining you dry? Looking for a way to get away from your getaway? We easily forget how draining family can be. Maybe that’s why we only get together over special occasions and holidays? Here’s a few reminders to help you get through…

  1. Remind yourself they won’t live with you forever (hopefully).
  2. Avoid Aunt Tilly’s oyster stew.
  3. Do something out of the ordinary.
  4. Invite another family over for dinner. All of sudden, your own kids may appear normal.
  5. Act like a kid again and actually play with your kids…at the playground, on the court, with some board games. You name it. Who knows? Maybe you still got game.
  6. Grant yourself some grace. Yes, your kids may act up and have a temper tantrum or two while your mother-in-law is watching. It’s okay–her kids were never perfect either, despite the stories she tells.
  7. Be patient. Be patient. Be patient. The kids will return to school one day.
  8. Tell yourself you are not the only one who cannot find the receipts to Santa’s workshop.
  9. You can always regift next year.
  10. It’s just the flu…at least, it’s not ebola.
  11. No snow on the slopes? Well, at least you can roll down the hill.
  12. Smile. You won’t get the December bills until January.
  13. Try going to church. There’s nothing like an encounter with Jesus!
  14. Added benefit–most churches offer FREE childcare!
  15. Remind yourself–no one is as happy as they appear on facebook in real life. Everyone experiences disappointments, just like you.
  16. One day your kids will understand.
  17. Someone in the fam getting to you? Maybe its time for some introspection. If they are pushing a hot button, try to figure out why.
  18. Faith, hope, love…but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
  19. Life is not perfect, nor is it fair. But eternity is going to rock your world! Rev 21:4
  20. They don’t stay young forever. Enjoy every minute of it while you can!

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.1 Timothy 6:17 ESV

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