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When the World Gets Crazy, Know God Is Always Up To Something


Even when my world is falling apart, I️ know God is working.

The world seems pretty unpredictable as of late, so I must remind myself that God is always up to something. But when I take a look around, it sure doesn’t seem that way. Our nation seems more like a dysfunctional family with constant bickering and fighting. Not to mention all the chaos ensuing outside of our borders too.

I find it difficult to turn off all the news and tune in to what God is doing. It is so easy to get entrapped by cultural lies. Live in fear. Close down. Be anxious. Stay downtrodden. There’s nothing good in this world anymore. Some of us are growing weary and ready to throw in the towel. And you’re not alone because I️ hear it in our conversations. We live afraid that our God is too small. For some reason, we think He has abandoned us, and we have to make it on our own. We live on the brink of exhaustion rather than trusting in God.

Last night as I went to bed, I looked at Coby and said, I’m drained. The kind of tiredness that is not from staying up late or having too much to do. Rather, the kind of tired from carrying around the weightiness of life. I️ think you may know what I’m talking about. As a people, we are weary.


Vaccine drama

Wars and rumors of wars


Covid mutations




And more.

It never seems to end. We seem to wake up each day with something new to fret about. And to be quite frank, it is exhausting. Relentless. No fun.

Remember, Take Heart

But my dear friends, have we forgotten what God’s Word has to say…

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world. John 16:33 NLT

Of course, this world will have trouble. We live in a sin-saturated place, and this is not our permanent home. We’re just passing through. Our perspective is different. Jesus has overcome the world. And because Jesus has overcome the world, I️ don’t have to live like this is all there is. I️ can live with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control because I️ have the Holy Spirit living in me.

God Is Always Up to Something

The many trials and sorrows do not have to shut us down. In fact, God allows them to refine us and make us more like Him. It is the difficult circumstances that help transform us and lead us to be on our knees humbly. The hard things in life are part of the process. Did you know that God can use it for your good?

I️ have to remind myself that God is always up to something. He is always at work, even when I️ cannot see or understand. There is purpose because there is a promise. “God is always working things together for our good (Romans 8:28).

So take heart today. God is working in the midst of your difficult circumstances. He is weaving all things together for your good. Pain is part of the refining process, and we all are a work-in-progress (Phil. 1:6). The good news is…God is not finished with you yet! God is always up to something, and we can trust Him that it will be for our good.

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